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Our Process

From the moment we have an introduction, our goal is to understand as much about you, your business, your team and your services as we can.  Our process is designed to know how to get as much enhancement from offering a Benefits Package while also staying budget focused.  How can we solve the most important problems for your employees while assuring that it isn’t too costly?

New Client Timeline

Step 1:

Introductory call

30 minutes (Understand the needs and demographics of your Team).

Step 2:

Employee Census

Obtain an Employee Census in order to get competitive Proposals from the various carriers that we work with and product types.  The Employee Census is an Excel Spreadsheet that lists out the Employees Names, DOB, Gender, Date of Hire, Income, and Job Title.  We may not need all of this information depending on the product that is needed.  Generally, this information can be pulled directly from your payroll or bookkeeping system in an easily generated report.



Step 3:

Step 4:

Review Proposals

12-72 Hours – Obtain all needed Carrier and Product Type Proposals based on the Employee Census and prepare them for review with you.

This allows for both sides to collaborate on how the plans work, contracts and benefits, premium and budget numbers and narrowing down the Benefit Offerings.  May require another meeting depending on detail.

Step 5:

30-60 minutes -Pick Products and Carriers that will be offered to your team

Step 6:

​2-3 weeks - Schedule an Open Enrollment Meeting(s) with all eligible employees either in person or ZOOM to educate them on the Employee Benefit Package being implemented on their behalf. 

Step 7:

Complete Open Enrollment Meeting

This allows us to explain the value of your company offering these benefits, how it works, how much premiums they may be required to pay (if any) and to answer any questions they have.  We will also provide all Enrollment Materials and Education Pieces and assist in enrolling each employee.

Step 8:

Open Enrollment 

2-3 weeks – We generally like to give your team plenty of time to make an informed and educated decision on if they would like to participate in the benefits being offered.  They have many considerations, such as budget, personal needs and their family needs to make before they will decide to accept the benefits or waive them.  Its important that they have enough time to make this decision.

Step 9:

30 minutes – Open Enrollment ends and we submit all eligible employees Enrollment Forms indicating their elections and all necessary Employer Paperwork.  We generally need about 2 weeks to allow the carriers to process their elections, qualify invoicing and prepare for ID cards to be mailed or sent.

Step 10:

Effective Date

​This is the Day we have been preparing for and hopefully everyone is extremely happy that they now have their benefits in place, active and that they are in a much better position financially.

On Average, we can complete this entire process and implement your Company’s new Employee Benefit Package in 5-6 weeks from introduction to effective date.

Request a Quote Today

Infinity Benefits Group

Thank you! We will contact you within 48 hours with your custom quote.

631 US Highway 1, Suite 308
North Palm Beach, FL 33408





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